Better performance. Higher productivity. Package solution.
Productivity in packaging production. The cutting tool makes a crucial difference, but is not the only thing. Cutting is a complex process in which many parameters are important. The result must always be maximum performance.
The Marbach solution: A package which enables us to increase your productivity. At minimum cost to you – yet highly effective. For maximum cutting performance ...
The linchpins of high cutting productivity are short and predictable make-ready times. These make-ready times are the result of a complex interplay between different factors. The Marbach Performance Package therefore makes an impact on your make-ready times and reduces them to a minimum.
The conditions on site play a significant role. Factors such as machine equipment, machine condition, the tool technology used, as well as the working sequences and staff qualifications all affect the make-ready times. It is therefore true to say that only something that has been individually matched to your conditions on site can have the optimum effect. The Marbach Performance Package is therefore not available “off-the-peg”. We look at every single process step and select the right procedures to satisfy your company’s requirements.
As we know that time is money, we keep the time and effort extremely low. Using the latest recording and video technology, we record the set-up of several orders, including the machine environment, at your premises. Our experts analyze the recordings, determine potential savings and supply the perfectly matched concept for optimization.
In doing so, we make use of various modules that we select for you individually to suit the requirements in your company. These include training courses, products such as digital zone levelling, and also various machine upgrades.
Other important modules for reduced make-ready times, optimized processes and maximum productivity are:
The platen cleaning device
A clean platen ensures short set-up times. You can use the mplaten|cleaner-smart to clean your platen – quickly, easily and smoothly. This forms the basis of a clean and efficient cutting process.
Calibration tool
Perfect matching of all stations in the diecutter. Including upper and lower dies. Fast and straightforward. This is all possible with the Marbach calibration tool.
Universal sheet delivery
Sheet delivery in the blanking section instead of blank separation. This can be achieved without major conversion work using a special upper die combined with a lightblanker lower die with appropriate masks. For quick and easy conversion from blank separators to sheet delivery in the blanking section.
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